How to Choose the Right Insurance Adjusting Licensing School

If you’re looking to start a career in insurance adjusting, obtaining your insurance adjusting license is a crucial first step. However, before you can obtain your license, you need to choose the right insurance adjusting licensing school. With so many options available, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some tips for choosing the right insurance adjusting licensing school.

Expert Tips for Passing Your Insurance Adjusting Licensing Exam

Private Community - The Adjuster Guy

The insurance adjusting licensing exam can be a daunting task, and passing it requires a significant amount of preparation and hard work. However, with the right study strategy and mindset, passing the exam is achievable. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing some expert tips for passing your insurance adjusting licensing exam.

The Benefits of Getting Your Insurance Adjusting License Online

If you’re looking to become a licensed insurance adjuster, you have two options for obtaining your license: in-person or online. While the traditional in-person option may work for some, getting your insurance adjusting license online has become increasingly popular. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing the benefits of getting your insurance adjusting license online.

9 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing for Your Insurance Adjusting Exam

Becoming a licensed insurance adjuster can be a rewarding career, but first, you need to pass the insurance adjusting exam. As someone who has been through the process, I know how overwhelming it can be. There are several common mistakes that test takers make when preparing for the exam, which can hinder their success.

Why Insurance Adjusting Licensing is Vital for Your Career in the Insurance Industry

If you’re interested in a career in the insurance industry, becoming a licensed insurance adjuster is an essential step to take. Insurance adjusters are responsible for investigating and processing insurance claims, and a license is required in most states. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing the reasons why insurance adjusting licensing is vital for your career in the insurance industry.

What is a Roofer?

According to Alan Olson, The Adjuster Guy, “A roofer is a contractor that is hired for a specific piece of the puzzle per se. they may take on more of the loss if it’s a hail claim. They may do gutters and windows and siding and all that too; but they are hired to remove and replace the roof based off the damages being covered under the policy.”

What is a public adjuster?

A public adjuster is a licensed adjuster just like we are only he only works on behalf of the policyholder. So, essentially, the policyholder has hired the public adjuster to handle the claim on their behalf—could be for multiple valid reasons.

How beneficial is a ride-along for an adjuster?

The shadowing experience for a new adjuster is called a ride along. It is defined by The Adjuster Guy, Alan Olson, as “an opportunity for a new or inexperienced adjuster to spend time with—what hopefully is—a well seasoned, experienced adjuster to learn trends, traits and processes.”

What should I have in my CAT kit?

The act of being prepared is essential to every adjuster and their ability to make money. Being a weather-based career, adjusters never know when they will be deployed. Thus, in a sense, adjusters should have already been packed and ready to go yesterday. In this industry, today is already too late. So, what do you need in order to be prepared? You need a CAT kit.

Top 5 things all IAs should avoid: Adjustments in Life Podcast (E 16)

In this episode, Alan and co-host Jason Dyson discuss and breakdown their top 5 things all independent adjusters should avoid doing on their first deployment.  During Alan and Jason’s combined 30 years of experience in the industry, they have seen lots of new adjusters fail on their first deployments. These top  5 things to avoid could have changed the outcome of those failed deployments. Listen in, this information could be just what you need!